Magstor corporation, what can we find out about it on the Internet? For a start, let us look for its location. Every time you search you get the same address:
- 30941 Agoura Rd, Ste 124, Westlake Village, CA 91361
A search of Google maps gives a picture of an office building. Is Magstor still there? Is there any Magstor any more?
Ste is the accepted abbreviation for suite, which usually means an office in an office building. This may seem prestigious, or have a certain cachet associated with it. A lot of shady business people with no business address except their homes started using suite on business cards when the mailbox stores got started. You check invoice to a business may have gone to Malbox Etc or the UPS store. I wonder if this is the case here? Is suite 124 nothing more than a mailbox or did Magstor have a 1000 sq ft facility leased in this building.
Is this really the physical address where Dennis Resnik called people from to “buy” product for which he never paid? I hope someone comments to let us know, and of course if they do, we will follow-up and post more information.
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